Canning Green Beans

This was my grandmother's recipe for canning green beans, she used it for many years.

Break and wash 2 gallons of green beans and bring them to a boil then add
1 1/3 Cup white vinegar
3/4 Cup sugar
scant 1/2 Cup salt(not quite a 1/2 cup of salt)
Boil for 30 minutes then pack in hot jars and seal with hot lids and rings. No need for a water bath, just let them cool on the counter and they will seal. They will last a couple of years or more but we always eat them before the next canning season comes around. When you get ready to cook them, pour the canning brine off and rinse well then pour into boiler and add 1 quart of water to cook, season as you like.


Anonymous said...

ty, I cant wait to try this

SummDay-SummWay said...

This is the only way I can green beans and we love them! Hope ya'll like them too.

Barbara said...

They look raly good, me I gave up on canning, had too much go bad on me, so I freeze, I just put up 35 quarts of tomatoes, whew will last us the winter, and Spring heehee, may give some away too, I still have blueberrys, corn, strawberrys, from last year, and lots of pear jam too, hugs and stay cool in all this smoke and heat, Barbara