Biblical Sites...

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Helping your church supply parents with the Bible verses they need to surround their children with God’s Word – coloring pages, pocket scriptures, and more – hundreds of free printable pages emphasizing that: “God’s light enters the home through His Word.”

“Tell me about salvation. What do Christians mean when they talk about being saved?”
The Christian faith may be shared in many ways. However, nothing is as convincing as the life of a person who is totally committed to God. Such a life leaves no doubt about the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. It creates in other people a desire to know Christ.
Healing of the physical body is an important facet of God’s saving grace. Salvation brings wholenes, restoration of both body and soul. Most churches have a clear teaching regarding salvation from sin, but much confusion exists about divine healing.

Jesus is coming again! Then sin will be ultimately defeated. Sickness, sorrow, and death will be no more. Wrongs will be made right, justice will be handed down, and Christ will rule in love and mercy.

Free printable Bible studies for adults and children. May be used for personal or group studies.
By D. L. Moody

Copyright 1894

(This is an excellent sermon by the famous preacher, D. L. Moody. I have shortened it somewhat for this article.)

If there is going to be a great, deep, thorough, lasting work it is going to be in answer to prayer. If we ask God to do a certain work He is not going to give us chaff. If we have faith to claim, I believe He will answer our prayers. I don’t believe He mocks His children. I believe He will give out of His abundance, and give us the very best He has.
Success is often associated with accomplishments or obtaining things such as lots of money, material possessions, or high positions of power. The more you have the more successful you are viewed by the people around you. Have you considered what success is in God’s eyes? Let’s talk about the world’s view of success compared to God’s view as found in the Bible.

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