Isaiah 59:14  And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.
“In America we’ve lost the concept of absolute God-given truth. An article in U. S. News and World Report said: ‘Our nation has become a nation built on falsehood. Governmental officials dissemble [a fancy word for telling a lie]. Scientists falsify research. Workers alter resumes to get jobs. What’s going on here? The answer a growing number of social critics fear is an alarming decline in basic honesty.’
“Satan is the Father of lies. His whole career is based on them. You are never more like the devil than when you are telling a lie. ‘Truth has fallen in the streets,’ Isaiah said (v. 59:14). And because truth has fallen, judgment, justice, and equity cannot advance. How did truth fall? Kicked to the curb by professors of philosophy, tripped up by dishonest politicians, chloroformed by liberal theologians. What is our job? To set truth back on her feet.”—Adrian Rogers

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